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Help Topic: Bulk Email Invoices

Invoices can be bulk emailed from the main Invoices list, allowing you to collate Invoices based on the Invoice Contacts marked against each.

Selecting one or more Invoices in the list will present you with the Action menu offering the ability to Bulk email all listed Invoices which will email all invoices across all pages in the list.

Please note that you do not need to select all Invoices to use this option as Tracker will know to action every invoice in the entire filtered list when actioning this option.



On selecting this option, Tracker will collate all invoices and present you with a breakdown of the Invoicing Contacts and which Invoices they will be sent, allowing you to make any changes required before actually sending.


Bulk Email Invoice Summary

On selecting the action option, you will be presented with the Bulk Email Invoice Summary page, showing you how many Invoices are valid for sending, and how many are currently invalid and require amendments before they can be sent.  All invoices must be valid in order to bulkd send.

The Email Summary shows how many invoices will be sent, how many emails (invoice contacts) will be sent to and over how many clients.

The Action Summary shows the number of invalid invoices that need to be corrected prior to sending

The Contact Email Template to Send shows a drop down list of templates (associated to Contacts) that can be selected to send the Invoices with


Invalid Invoices

The first tab in the Bulk Email Invoice Summary page lists the Invoices that are invalid with the reason such as no Invoice Contact defined or that the Invoice Contact does not have a valid email address to which to send the Invoice(s).  Clicking the invoice number on this page will open the invalid Invoice allowing you to update the details.  Repeating the steps above will re-validate the Invoices.

Once all invoices have been fixed and validated, you will see the following message and can proceed to send:


Valid Invoices

The second tab in the Bulk Email Invoice Summary page are the valid Invoices that will be sent, grouped by the Invoice Contact linked to each.

To make it easy to review, these are listed by Contact showing each Invoice in the batch along with the Invoice Number, Client, Contact, Invoice Total Amount and the Invoice Template selected.

Each batch is divided by a thicker line in the list, so in the example above, Bob Shifter will receive 3 invoices in their email.


Sending the Bulk Emails

Once all invoices are valid and the batches are confirmed, select the Contact Template to send from the Contact Email Template to Send drop down list and click the Send button.

You will be asked to confirm the bulk email send:


The emails will then be created and sent one at a time and you will see the following message:


Please no not close the browser or navigate away from the page whilst the bulk emailed invoices are sending to avoid disrupting the process.