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Help Topic: Sequence Calendar

The Sequence Calendar shows the future Sequences that are scheduled in a calendar allowing you to see quickly what sequence activity is due over the coming days, weeks or months.

This is accessible via the Marketing menu and selecting the Sequence Calendar option:


All items in the Sequence caledar are forecasted activities so do not currently exist and have not been sent yet, however based on the Sequence timings, it will show which Sequences are due to go out by date and time, the sequence step name that is scheduled and the recipients of each Sequence.


If the total number of recipients for any given sequence step is less than or equal to 5 recipients then each will show in the calendar as seperate items (as can be seen on Wednesday and Thursday above).  Where the number of recipients is greater than 5, a single activity will be shown instead (as can be seen on the Tuesday above).

Clicking any one of these will open the sequence step showing you what is scheduled to be sent and to whom.  If this is a sinlge person, they will appear at the bottom of the preview window:


Where the number is great, you will see the number of recipients scheduled to receive the selected sequence step:


There is a button to allow you to open the Sequence from this preview window in case you need to investigate or review recipients further.