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Help Topic: Extend Shifts with Named Candidates

When Extending a Shift, users will now have the ability to select which Candidates (who have previously worked on that Job) will pre-fill the new extended Shifts.

The process is the same as before in that the Extend button is clicked within the Shift Planner:


The Extend popup will look the same however the existing Carry over last working Candidate has been replaced with a list of existing Candidates who have previously worked on that Job.


Selecting Candiates for Shifts

This is particularly useful when shifts run to a time cycle each week, for example:

  • Week 1 - 6am to 2pm
  • Week 2 - 2pm to 10pm
  • Week 3 - 10pm to 6am
  • Week 4 - 6am to 2pm
  • Repeat

The Extend popup allows the user to specify the dates for the next week, the Shift start and end times and the Candidates that will pre-fill those shifts:


Replace Existing Shifts

There is also a new option to "Replace Existing Shifts" that will overwrite future shifts that clash with the dates and days specified in the Extension so that shifts already declared for future weeks can be easily replaced with the new details.


Ticking this option will ensure that existing shifts on the same date are removed and replaced with the shifts declared in the fields above.