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Help Topic: Custom Form Revisions

Custom Form Revisions works with the standard Tracker Custom Forms and allows for itterations of Custom Forms to be generated from previous version(s).

For example:

  1. A Custom Form is generated for Terms of Business to a Client and sent (version 1)
  2. The Client would like some changes made to the Terms
  3. Revisions can be made to the original Terms and re-sent (version 2)
  4. The Client requests a final change to the Terms
  5. These revisions can be to version 2 and resent (version 3)
  6. And so on

To create a revision from an existing Custom Form, go to Tools & Settings > Collaboration > Custom Form Sends > Custom Forms

You can use the Filters to locate the Custom Form Send and as long as that Custom Form Send is still in Pending status, you will see the Create Revision button which will allow the creation of a new revision of the selected Custom Form.


This will auto-populate a new link with the Custom Form content from the selected Form:


You can then use the Edit button as normal to update the existing Custom Form text and re-send the revision to the recipient.