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Help Topic: Set Up RingCentral Calling & Texting



To set up Ring Central to send and receive phone calls and / or text messages into your Tracker account please complete the following steps in order:


1. This first portion needs to be done by an admin of the account, go into Tools & Settings under your name at the top right of your screen.



2. Under the Application Settings tab select 'Telephone & Text Settings'




3. This will bring you to a new screen called “Telephone Settings.” Here you are going to select 'RingCentral' as your Telephony System.  Once you select 'RingCentral' from the dropdown a section will populate below for your RingCentral user plug-ins. This will fill in as your Users plug their credentials into their User settings and save. 


The 'Log All Calls' field below will control if you are intending to have activities automatically created for your inbound and outbound calls made in Tracker.




4. To use RingCentral for Texting in Tracker, please scroll below to the "Text Settings" section then select "RingCentral" as your text provider.



5. Have your users go into their 'My Settings' in Tracker, then scroll down to the 'My Plug-Ins' section. 



6. Each user should then toggle on the RingCentral Plug-In and select 'Verify with RingCentral' then follow the prompts to login and verify their account. 





7. Once this is completed they need to select OK, then scroll to the top of My Settings and select 'Save Settings'. 



8. Last, all users setting up RingCentral should then download the RingCentral Soft Phone extension at this site ( When signing up with RingCentral, you may receive separate instructions on downloading the RingCentral App. Please be sure to download the RC Phone Desktop version that's highlighted below. 




They will then be able to trigger calls out of Tracker to initiate the RingCentral soft phone to make the call.