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Help Topic: TextUs Setup


Step 1: Log into TextUs, click on the profile icon in the upper right

Step 2: Click on Profile then navigate to API Tokens

Step 3: Create your API Token and make sure you copy the value and keep it safe. It will only be displayed once.

Please Note: DO NOT install the Textus Plugin - All texting is to be done through Tracker in order for the texts to record as activities

Step 4: Navigate to Tracker’s Tools & Settings | Telephone & Text Settings

Step 5: Select TextUs as your Text Provider

Step 6: Ask each user navigate to their My Settings area then turn the switch on for the TextUs plugin

Step 7: Link/Verify their TextUs account using the API Key provided in Step 3 then simply click Verify with TextUs

Step 8: Purchasing Text Credits can be done within Tools & Settings | Users | Licenses & Credits

Please Note: Only outbound texts count towards your credits in Tracker