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Help Topic: Creating Job AI Screener Questions

To access AI Job Screening Questions within your job records, go into Tools & Settings > The Layout Designer > and add "Job Screening Questions" to your job record layout.


Next, open a job record you would like to send screening questions from. Make sure this job has a description included in this field, as it's required for the AI to analyze and create questions:


In this same job you will be able to create various job screening templates using AI, or manually. You can view the results of these questions in the same area that you can create / edit templates:


To create your job screening template, click on the Green + button:

From here, you will insert template title and intro/closing text:

If you are using AI to generate screening questions, select the number you would like to populate:

Then click AI Generate and view your results. The below questions are generated using AI, and stemming from the job description that you have inserted in this record:

If you would like to mark some of these questions as "Knockouts", click into the blue linked question to begin. A Knockout question is defined as requiring a "Yes" or "No" response, and depending on what you input as the Correct Answer, it will knockout that candidate from being considered further.


The Knockout question will appear like so:


By clicking on the blue linked question you also have the ability to edit/tweak what was created. For example, below I added multiple choice answers versus having a text-based response from the candidate. Click 'update' once you are happy.



If you would like to manually insert more questions, click on the green +Question button:

To delete or edit your templates, click into the Quick View eye:

Then you can delete, or make edits:

Next, learn how to send job-specific screening questions to candidates by following the instructions here.