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Help Topic: Reviewing Screening Question Results

To view job-specific screening results, follow along:

1. From within the Job - click on the green arrow under the video camera column to view the results

2. Click on the question you want to view the answer for, and see the result from the candidate on the right

3. Click 'send for review' to email the results to the client

Start typing in their name:

Select from the dropdown that appears:

4. Click send, and pick a template to use to email your client, or type up an email. Make sure to "Insert Link" to include the candidate's screening results:

5. Here's an example of what your client will see in this link - where they can provide a star rating / enter comments and complete the review:

You will receive an on screen alert that the client completed the review of this candidate's screening questions:

You can view the client's comments / star rating back under the video camera icon:

To view ALL screening results from any job, open Tools & Settings > Collaboration > Video & Screening: