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Help Topic: Compliance Automation

Automate the tracking and management of candidate documents, monitor their status, and send automated emails about necessary documentation. Customize reminder frequencies for candidates and receive real-time notifications for compliance deadlines or expirations to enable them to self-service and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Compliance Items are hosted in the candidate record. If you don't see these options please click into Tools & Settings > Layout Designer > and add Candidate Compliance Items to your candidate record layout.

Compliance Status Use Cases:

    • Unverified = This indicates that one or more non date related items (such as registration) have not been completed or verified.
    • Pending = A stage where a user would review documentation and confirm that they have what they need from the candidate, but it's still pending. Please note: Pending Items do not appear in the Pending Verificaitons grid, so they must be managed from the Candidate profile.
    • Verified = This indicates that all current Compliance Items have been successfully Verified and how may items there are.
    • Pending Verification = This allows us to send the compliance items out to the candidate through their portal, allowing the candidates to update those items through the portal, and then having those flow back into Tracker for pending verification. This stage will act as a trigger to alert the Tracker user to review the new documentation.
    • Expired = This indicates that one or more Compliance Items for this Candidate has lapsed and therefore needs. re-verifying
    • Rejected = This will drive an email to the candidate and it will let them know that they have a rejected compliance item and need to take action.

To setup Compliance Automation, go to Tools & Settings where you can access Compliance Automation from the Onboarding tab:


Select the user you would like to have sending out compliance items to candidates (it will send out the items from that user's email address). You can also choose if these emails only go out during the working week (Mon-Fri) or include weekends.


To create a new compliance automation, click the green "New" button.


From here you can decide what will trigger the automation to reach out to candidates for specific compliance items. For example, we can select Work Permit, Visa, Drivers License and Credit Check under Item Name as this is what we require whenever a new Temp Candidate needs to begin working.

If this is a candidate that's new, and we haven't worked with them before, we could go ahead and select "Unverified" as the compliance item status as everything is new. You can pick whatever makes the most sense in this scenario.

The next step would be to select what Placement Status these compliance items are due at. For example, we typically require these items to be sent at the Offer Pending stage (You can select multiple placement statuses if you would like - these are "Or" operators).

If you like to get ahead of the game and have candidates send over compliance items before they are even placed or offered a specific job, you can also set the compliance automation at the Candidate Status level versus Placement Status. Up to you!

Next, set the frequency of the email reminders that will be sent to the candidates in an Offer Pending placement status. If I select Daily, the candidate will receive an email every single day.

If I select Before Placement Start, then I can choose multiple timeframes before their Start Date to trigger email automation. For example, I could have emails sent 3 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week before the candidate begins working (based off of their Placement Record Start Date).


Lastly there is an option to Continue to send after the target date is reached - this is referring to the candidate's Placement Start Date. For example, if you just put someone on assignment without gathering their compliance items, you can continue to reach out to the candidate past their start date until everything is gathered.

Now that the automation is created, we can edit the Compliance Item Reminder, Compliance Item Rejected and Compliance Item Verified email templates that will go out to the candidate. It's important to note that Compliance Automation must be turned on for templates to be triggered, including Rejected items.

Scroll down to access this section:

^ The link that is provided in the email will link to those compliance items by bringing the candidate into their portal and show them a list of items they still need to complete. Once the candidate does their part, the compliance items will be updated to a Pending Verification status in Tracker so you are made aware.

Please Note: You are able to edit these templates as well as the text which displays for the link to the Compliance Portal.

Next, we can head to Compliance Item Stages, which is designed to capture compliance items that are expiring soon. Anything that is less than 13 weeks until it expires will appear on this list.

Pending Verification - if a candidate takes action through their portal, their updated items will show up in this list.

You can then review those supporting documents by clicking on the name within this section:

And choose whether to verify or reject the new item. Once you select verify it will update that item so it falls off the Pending Verification list, update the candidate's compliance item in their record, and also send this candidate the Compliance Item Verified email template.