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Help Topic: New Features (December 2024)

A job-level template is no longer needed to send screening questions

You can simply uncheck the box for 'Only show templates for this job' when sending from Longlist and access all of the global templates. Previously, this was only available from the Shortlist. Now, if you have a template that you like to send out to a group of folks on the Longlist as an initial step, this is not an issue.


CompAIr Action Now Opens Quick View Automatically from the Longlist

From the Longlist, if you use the action menu to use CompAIr, you are now taken to the Quick View automatically rather than to the other CompAIr area which looked a bit different. This is to help with any confusion about the separate areas.


Add up to 20 Option Groups in Web Docs for more detailed surveys, reducing the need for external tools


Set a Meeting Type for appointments and events beyond interviews


The Job Shortlist is much more flexible with the following:

1. You can now rename the Internal Card. In the past, you could place this card anywhere you like within the card view but now you can also rename it.

2. You now have a bonus card in a sense, which can be placed anywhere within the workflow and also renamed.

Think of a situation where clients want to keep their candidates who are in an Onboarding step separate from their Offer card, for example:

You will also see these two new steps within record blocks, such as Job History:


Web Forms now have owners

We have moved over the current owner into this field but it can now be changed to assist with customers who have personnel changes or to handle cases where we help customers build forms:


Filtering Placement Statuses beyond Offer or Working/Complete is now more powerful

Navigating to ‘All Pipeline’ now allows for Statuses other than Offer or Working, and includes our renamed Internal and new bonus Workflow card:


Advanced filtering for Skills is now available on the Longlist

Now you can select up to 5 sets for each group. This aligns with the Candidate view: