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Help Topic: Placement Settings

The following lesson is structured on the layout of the Placement Settings page and explains each of the key sections and what they do.

General Settings

Placement Prefix

In this field you can enter free text to customize the prefix for all placement records. The default is set to "PLC-", but you can change that to anything you want here.

Default Long List RAG

This setting determines the default traffic light color that is applied to new longlisted Candidates when found in a long list search and added to the Long List.

Options are:

  • Unmarked
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Green
Allow Manual Resume Send

This controls whether Manual Resume Sends are allowed and will show or hide the Mark Resume Send option in the Shortlist menu. 

Setting this to No will force users to physically send resumes by email in order to register the resume send for KPI purposes.

Reset Current Employer on Completion

This option will reset the Current Employer to blank once a Candidate completes an Assignment, or leave it as it is following completion of an Assignment.

This is triggered when a Candidate on a Shortlist or in an Assignment Team is set to a completed Placement Status.

Default Charge Period

This option sets the default charge period for Candidates assigned to a Shortlist or Assignment Team list and should reflect the most common charge period your business uses.  It can be changed within the Placement record if required.

Options are:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
Default Placement Open Method

This setting will allow you to choose how the placement record opens when opened from the shortlist. The options are:

  • Pop Out from Slide: This will open the placement record while keeping you in the shortlist on the job record.
  • Open Full Record: This will open the full placement record taking you away from the job record page.
Copy Custom Fields on Extension

This setting allows you to carry over any custom fields associated to the placement record when doing a full extension. A full extension creates a new placement record and if enabled, all custom fields will appear on the new placement created.

Default Placement Margin Calculation
  • This setting allows you to choose whether you want to apply margin calculation or markup calculation within the placement value calculations. 


  • On a job record under the job values section, you will see where this can be selected from the drop down. The default option can be set in this section from tools and settings to apply in all new jobs.

Set End Dates Automatically
  • If enabled, this setting will automatically set the end dates once moved into a completed or rejected placement status, with the end date being the day moved into that status.
  • If disabled, this setting will leave the end dates unchanged to what they were originally set to.
Placement Markup Field to Change
  • This field will allow you to choose whether you want the charge rate or the markup % to be applied into the calculation of your placement value. You can find the markup field in the placement rates section. 


xTracked & Shortlist Settings

Allow Skill Coding on Shortlisting

This determines whether you wish to auto Skill Code your Candidates when they are Shortlisted in order to perform a Skill Search for the Job.  Select Yes, auto-code on Shortlisting if you wish for this to happen, or if you don't use the Skills Profile Builder, or simply don't wish to auto-code, select No, do not auto-code

Allow CV Registration

When a Job has been posted to your Website or Broadbean, for example, you can use this setting to choose whether the system should search for the Job ID within the email subject once someone has applied. 

If you only permit the Candidates to upload their CV and you then add that to a Shortlist manually, you will need to select No, do not look for Job ID, but if your application emails include a Job ID, select Yes, Job ID will be in the Subject Field.

Allow Shortlist Drag

Shortlist dragging enables you to manually move Shortlisted Candidates to the next Card without creating an activity to trigger the Workflow, which would do this automatically. 

Select Yes, allow dragging to if this will be your preferred action, or No, use Workflow only if you want activities to determine the move from one card to the next.


Default Short List RAG

This setting determines the default traffic light color that is applied to new shortlisted Candidates when found in a long list search and added to the Short List.

Options are:

  • Unmarked
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Green
Default Short List Menu State

This setting allows for the drop down menu of a shortlisted record to either be collapsed showing all menu options, or expanded by default. 




Default Template Settings

This section allows you to choose the Default Template for particular actions you take within the Shortlist.  This can be changed when it comes to the point of sending, but generally, when a CV is sent, or Interview is created, you will want to send the same Template each time.

Default Sending CV to Client  Select relevant Template
Default Sending Internal CV  Select relevant Template
Default Interview to Client  Select relevant Template
Default Interview to Candidate  Select relevant Template

App Messaging Broadcast Group Settings

  • Here you can choose what users need to be notified when a candidate sends a message through the Candidate Portal. The app messaging distribution list will then be notified on screen or by email (or both) when a message is sent
  • This can also be set at the department level vs per user

Placement Record Statuses

Placement Record Statuses are used to move the Candidate through the Shortlist and Workflow can be applied to the Status change.  

Click New to add a new Placement Status.  Enter the details and if you are updating the Job Status from this particular Placement Status change, you will need to choose when you wish to apply this change and once it is reached by one Candidate, choose if you want to relegate the Status back to the previous one. 


Placement Types

Placement Types determine where your Candidate came into the Shortlist from, for example, via the Outlook Addin, or an Online Registration. 

To edit or remove what is already there, click into the relevant row and click 'Edit' or 'Delete' and if you wish to add a further Placement Type, click the green 'New' button and add the Type name.

Placement Status Events

This section allows you to create "Events" that take place when Shortlist Cards are dragged into certain Groups within the Job Shortlist. 

They work by prompting the user to provide additional information whenever a Shortlist Card is dragged into the Group in the form of a popup that will ask the user to optionally select a Status Note that best describes the reason for the move to that Group.  These events coincide with the Placement Record Status Notes section below if you intend to ask the user for a set list of Status Notes.  

An example of a Placement Status Event is as follows:

This Event requires the user to provide a Status Note whenever a Shortlist Card is dragged into the Rejected Group and will automatically pop-up a form requesting this information.

Setting the Status Note Required to Yes will mandate that a Status Note is provided and setting it to No will allow for a blank Status Note, so is therefore optional.

If the Allow Free Text Status Note is set to Yes then they will be prompted to type a Status Note into the popup form.  If the Allow Free Text Status Note is set to No then they will be prompted to select a Status Note from the Placement Status Notes defined in the section below, in the popup form. 


Placement Status Notes

This section allow you to determine fixed Status Notes in relation to one of the Events in the section above and are useful if you would rather have set Status Notes rather than allowing users to enter free text Status Notes - which can be harder to report on as will vary greatly.

For example:

This provides 3 set options for the Rejected Group and will provide a list of these from which the user can select one.

You can add as many Status Notes as you want for any of the Events that occur, including:


Automatic Placement Activities

In this section you can create your automatic placement activities so that you can create activities by simply moving candidates through the shortlist via dragging and dropping to the different shortlist groups. You can click the green "+New" button to add new automatic activities, the yellow Edit button to adjust existing automatic activities, and the red Delete button to remove existing automatic activities.

When adding the automatic activity, you can select the placement status that will trigger the automatic activity to be created. You can then select which activity will be created once it reaches that status. Finally, you can select the default status for that specific automatic activity. An example of an automatic interview activity created once a candidate reaches the interview group in a shortlist is shown below:


Resource Summary

Within the Resource Summary which can be viewed from the 'View Candidate' option in the Shortlist, you can choose what is displayed.  If you click on 'Add Field' you will see the following dropdown list where you can select as many options as you like to make visible in the Summary.  If you want certain fields to be clickable, such Phone Numbers and email address, you will need to select 'Yes, add action buttons to the Resource Summary', but if not, select 'No, don't include action buttons'.


We also have the ability to create Internal Resource Summaries and External Resource Summaries so you can now have separate Resource Summaries set up for internal submittals specifically, and external submittals specifically. This gives the flexibility to include different relevant details automatically depending upon what kind of submittal it will be.



Placement Overtime Rates

In this setting you can create Placement Overtime Rates that will appear in the "Factor OT Rate" in the placement record. These values can then be selected from the drop down in the placement record as shown below.


Interview Types

In this setting you can create the numerous different interview types that you typically carry out. This list of interview types will then be found on interview activities so you can select from the drop down shown below.