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Help Topic: createResourceFromResume




Able to payload of data to the api in order to create or update a resource (candidate) record within the TrackerRMS database using a resume file. The data should be a Base64 encoded string of the resume binary.

Please use only 1 of the following authentication methods

  • oAuth Header Authorization (preferred)
  • oAuth Token in the “credentials” section (recommended)
  • Username, Password and ApiKey in the “credentials” section

Instructions for generating an oAuth Token can be found in Help Topic: Authentication.

Sample Request (ensure payload is complete as below):

      "trackerrms": {
             "createResourceFromResume": {
                    "credentials": {
                          "username": "",
                          "password": "Welcome123",
                          "oauthtoken": "1bc7ca1e-8b9a-11e9-bc42-526af7764f64",
                          "apikey": "knREmvtzyRfBMfep2mvn"
                    "instructions": {
                          "assigntoopportunity": 1654,
                          "assigntolist": "short",
                          "shortlistedby": "user"
                    "resource": {
                          "firstname": "Jane",
                          "lastname": "Selby",
                          "fullname": "Jane Selby",
                          "jobtitle": "Java Programmer",
                          "email": "",
                          "note": " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
                          "source": "Website"
                    "file": {
                          "filename": "Jane Selby Resume.docx",
                          "data": "ADDSF48ghsz0qv34vew..."


Your unique API Key can be obtained from your Client Success Manager or Support

assigntoopportunity” is the numerical id of the Job they are applying for

assigntolist” is either “short” or “long” depending on whether you want to place applicants in either list

shortlisted” by can be either “user” or “resource” with "user" being a Tracker user and "resource" being the Candidate (most common from websites)

data” is a BASE64 encoded binary that we will convert back into the binary for parsing and storing against the Candidate record

source” will be used to track ROI so should be unique to the function you are building.

All other fields are normally extracted from the CV but can be included if requird as they will take precedence over the details in the CV.


Sample Response:

   "status": 0,
   "message": "success",
   "count": 0,
   "recordId": 0,
   "recordName": “”

Response status codes:


success (message will be “created” or “updated”)


user not found


user not active


record found and cannot be overwritten


Invalid request


Assign to List options:


Assign to the Shortlist


Assign to the Longlist


Shortlisted by options:


Set the status based on being shortlisted by a User


Set the status based on being shortlisted by a Candidate