The lesson explains how to log an Activity against a Candidate Record
Start on the Candidate Record for whom you wish to log the activity. Use the blue three line button in the upper right hand corner, this is called your “Action Menu.” A drop down menu will appear and click “Log an Activity” towards the bottom of the pop up menu.
When you click “Log an Activity,” scroll down to see all the different activity types you can log. Make sure to log every connection you have with the candidate. From here, click the appropriate activity you would like to log.
When you choose your activity, a “New Activity” window will appear where you can enter in your details. Enter in a subject line, the date and time of the Activity, including whether the Activity was inbound or outbound. You may also add in any notes so you can remember what happened during the Activity. You can also change the Activity status.
You will notice that the Candidate will already be automatically associated with his Activity. You can always add additional associations within this Activity. You will notice your name was assigned to the activity. You can always add your colleagues to be associated with the activity as well. At the bottom of the Activity window, you can set Follow ups and Updates within the Activity.
To View the Activity you just logged, go the menu bar on the left of the candidate record and click the option labeled “Activities and Notes.” From here you can click into the Activity at any time to make edits or changes.
If you need further assistance, please watch this video: