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Help Topic: Saving Dashboards

This lesson explains how to save a Dashboard once a new one is created, or if you have edited an existing one


Once you have added all of the required content to your Dashboard, hit 'Save' in the Dashboard Content' section

The following pop-up will appear, so you will firstly need to add a Name for your Dasboard

If you require this Dashboard as your Default view, eachtime you go the Dashboard section, switch the toggle to 'Yes' 

If you wish to set the filters so that they are automatically applied when you view this Dashboard, set the toggle to 'Yes'

If you are the creator of the Dashboard, it will assume that you want to be the Owner.  If this isn't the case and someone else needs to take Ownership, select their name from the dropdown list

And finally, if you wish to share your Dashboard with members of your time, or another individual, please select them from the following dropdown


Once completed, please hit 'Save'.