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Help Topic: Arranging Bulk Interviews for more than one Candidate

This lesson shows you how to arrange bluk interviews for more than one Candidate at a time

1. Enter into the Job you would like to work in and click the “Shortlist” Tab on the left side menu. To select multiple candidates, click the bubble of their picture next to their name. Then click the lightening bolt “Action” button at the top of your Card View. From the drop down menu, click “Arrange Interview”.

2. The Interviewer will be populated from the Contact of the job, you can also choose a different Interviewer by clicking the drop down arrow and choosing a different Contact from that Company. The location will also be automatically pulled from the Job record. You can change the Location here by entering in a New Address.

You may also change the date and time for each Candidate. If you would like to Send a Confirmation, check the box under “Send Confirmation”. Choose which Template you would like to send either to the Contact or the Candidate. If you would like to include a Calendar invite, check the box “Include ICS Attachment.”

If you need further assistance, please watch this video:


We have improved the options around the Arrange Interview function.

We now offer additional options including:

  • The ability to mark ICS Calendar Files as Private so they cannot be viewed in Shared Outlook Calendars
  • The ability to exclude ICS files from the Candidate confirmations so only the Interview receives the ICS
  • The ability to attach any Resumes or Agency Resumes to the ICS file making it easier for the Interviewer to reference the important documents when they open the Calendar Invite