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Help Topic: Job Settings

This lesson is structured on the layout of the Job Settings page and explains each of the key sections and what they do.

To get to the Job Settings section, click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and from the dropdown, select Tools & Settings.  Go to the Application Settings card on the left and Job Settings will be in the list.


General Settings

Job Prefix


Depending on the naming convention you choose for an Opportunity or Job, you can adjust the Prefix accordingly.  This would usually be 'OPP-' or 'JOB-' and these would be followed by the record number.  You may simply use one letter if you wish.  Add your preferred Prefix in the box provided and Save.


Show Contract Times

If you wish to the Start and End Time for a role within the Job record, select 'Yes, display Start/End Time from the dropdown, if this isn't relevant, select No, hide Times.

Show Project Contacts

The 'Show Project Contacts' determines whether the linked projects Commercial & Delvery Contacts will be shown in the Job's Profile block.

Auto Refresh Job on Status Change

When the Status of a Job Candidate Changes, you may also have changed the value of the Job within the Candidate Placement Record.  If you would like this change to reflect in the Job Profile, select 'Yes, refresh values on Status change'.  If not and you prefer to update manually, select 'No, do not refresh'.

Allow Estimated Value entry

Adding an estimated value when you create the Job can be useful for forecast purposes, but can not be relied on.  The options here are as follow:

  1. Yes, allow estimated Values
  2. No, force Products & Services

If you have a set list of Products & Services in your system, the second option will ensure that your employees add these to provide a definitive Value for the role. 

If Products & Services are not used, select option 1.

Default Work Type

A Default Work Type can be selected from this dropdown so when a Job is created, this Type is immediately populated.  If you only work with Temporary roles, having this Work Type set as the default will ensure that the correct Financial options are also generated, such as pay rates and charge rates.  If Permanent roles are all that you work with, having this as the default will generate salary and fee fields in the Financial section. 

Should you wish to add or edit any of these Work Types, see the 'Job Types' section further down the page. 

Search Settings

Auto Search Zip Code

If you want the Postcode for the job Location to be automatically populated and searched against within the Long List Search, select 'Yes, automatically search Postcode'.

If not, select 'No, leave search Postcode blank'.

Weighted Search Terms

Weighted Search Terms can be added for a Long List Search so that if you add search words, the first one you add will be deemed the most important in rank and then the second, third, etc.  

If you want all words to have an equal rank, select 'No, all terms weighted the same'. 

To enable, select 'Yes, apply weighing based on order of terms'.

Include Radius in Match Jobs

If you would like the "Match Jobs" feature to find candidates based on a Longlist search that includes BOTH a radius AND boolean criteria, you can select 'yes' on this option. If you would only like it to match candidates to jobs based on boolean (and not radius), set this to 'no'.

Private Long Lists

If you wish to allow your Users to create Private Longlists against Job Records select so that they can work on their own list, rather than a shared one, select 'Yes, allow Private Long Lists' from this dropdown. 

If not, select 'No, share a single Long List in Jobs'.

Enable Semantic Search

Semantics' works by looking at the words and phrases you are using to find Candidates and makes suggestions as to other possible words and phrases that you might also want to include, in order to provide a more comprehensive search result.

Assuming you have Skills Profiles created, you can select: 

  • Yes, provide suggestions

But if you do not have Skills Profiles created, select:

  • No, do not provide examples
Radius Measure Units

You can set your radius units to Miles or Kilometers here.

Financial Settings

Auto-Calculate Budget Revenue


When dates and values have been added to a Job Record, you may set it here to Auto- Calculate the Budget Revenue.  If this isn't required, select 'No' from the dropdown

Fixed Target Margins

If a fixed Target Margin has been set against a Job Type (such as Permanent with a fixed target margin of 20%), you can choose from the dropdown as to whether you want this to fix this so it can't be altered, or allow them to be edited.

Revenue Days Calculation

If doing a revenue profile, you may select from the above options. 

Standard Working Days would be selected 

Assignment Value Calculation


Job Value as Sum of Working Candidates

If you have multiple positions for a role and wish to see the total sum for all Working Candidates, select 'Yes, total of all working Candidates' from this dropdown. 

If you only want to see the value for the last placed Candidate, select 'No, only the last Candidate record selected.

Enable Company Credit Approval Checks

If this is selected you will need to make sure that a Company Credit Approval status is checked before making a placement or filling a job. There is a piece you will need to add to your Company Record layout called "Invoicing Details" if this option is turned on.

Pay & Charge Rate Source

A default Pay & Charge rate can be added at the Candidate, Job and Job Type level, so in this dropdown, select which Source you wish to pull these through from when a Job is created. 

Lock Revenue for 'Won' Business

Once a Job is set to a Status of 'Won' you can set it here to 'Lock the Revenue' amount, or 'Allow Re-Calculation'.

Default Payroll Tax Rate

To set a Default Payroll Tax Rate, enter the number in the box and this will be auto-populated when a new Job is created.

Use the up and down arrows to select.

Default Supplementary Tax Rate

To set a Default Supplementary Tax Rate, enter the number in the box and this will be auto-populated when a new Job is created.

Use the up and down arrows to select.

Global Opportunities

If you have multiple Territories, you can select 'Yes, allow cross Territory Jobs' here in order for people in the other Territories who have no view of your data, to see all Jobs across the business.

Select 'No' to restrict.

Workflow Settings

On business 'Won', set Account to

This dropdown contains your Client Types.  When you win an Opportunity/Job, you can select one of the above so that the Client Type automatically updates, perhaps from 'Prospect' which it may have been when the Job went live, to 'Client'. 

Multiple Positions


If you are likely to create Jobs which will require Multiple Positions, select 'Yes, allow for Multiple Positions' from this dropdown.  If you will only ever have one role per Job, select 'No, only 1 position per Job.

Workflow on Multiple Positions

If there are multiple positions for a role, this dropdown allows you to choose whether Workflow is applied when the first Candidate is placed, or when all Candidates are placed.  

Select 'Yes, apply workflow to multiple positions' if you want the workflow to start once all Candidates are at a status of placed, or 'No, trigger workflow on first position'.


Notify Department of Assignments

When a User is assigned to a Job, they will be alerted to this.  However, if you wish to also notify all Users who also work in the Department which the Job is allocated to, you can switch to 'Yes, notify all users in Department'. 

Select 'No, just the user assigned' to only alert the individual user.

Update Job Values and Dates

If you set different Job Dates and Values against a Candidate Placement Record, you can set it here to automatically update the main Job dates and Values, or, you can set this to 'No' and update the main Job profile manually.


Update Candidates Dates from Job

If the dates in a Job Record alter from those originally set, you can select 'Yes, update Candidates' to filter this change down to the Candidates in the placement. 

If you wish to keep the dates as they are in Candidate records, select 'No, keep dates as they are'.

Job Statuses

In this section you can edit or delete the Job Statuses in the list or add new ones.  To edit or delete, click into the relevant row which will highlight it and then hit the appropriate button on the right. 

To add a new one, click the green 'New' button and enter the details in the fields as per the below screenshot: 

  • The order dropdown is used to determine where in the list of Statuses you wish your new one to appear. 
  • The Job State can be either 'Open', ''Closed', 'Won' or 'Renewal'.  So, if the Job Status name refers to a Job which is Open, then the Job State would be 'Open'.  If it were a Job Status of 'Dropped' the Job State would be 'Closed'.
  • The Probability dropdown is used to select a percentage of where you consider this Job to be out of 100% at this Status.  So, if you are at a status of '2nd Interview', for example, you would presume that the probability of you winning this Job is roughly 80%.  Therefore, when you hit a status of 2nd Interview, if you have added a Value to the Job, you would now be sat at 80% of that value.  A Status of 'Placed/Filled' would have a probability of 100%.
  • If you wish to Force a Value at this Status, select 'Yes, a Value must be entered' from the dropdown.  If not, select 'No, zero values are allowed'.

Job Types

In this section you can edit or delete the Job Types in the list, or add new ones.  To edit or delete, click into the relevant row which will highlight it and then hit the appropriate button on the right. 

To add a new one, click the green 'New' button and enter the details in the fields as per the below screenshot: 

  • Enter a Job Type Name
  • If this Job Type will require a Contract Length, select the number of days/months from the Contract Length dropdown
  • Select the relevant Contract Terms from the following dropdown:

  • If Contract Dates are required, select 'Yes' from the Contract Dates dropdown.  If not, select 'No'.
  • If you need to Adjust Dates on selection, set the dropdown to 'Yes' in this section, or 'No' if not necessary.
  • If Timesheets are required for this Job Type, select 'Yes'.  If not, select 'No'.
  • In the Rate Description field, add the type of rate to be used for this Job Type, such as Salary.
  • If the Job Type requires a Default Rate, add it into this field.
  • Enter a Charge Rate Description if required.
  • If you require a Default Charge Rate for this Job Type, enter it in this field.
  • If you want to set a Target Margin for this Job Type, enter the amount in this field.

Job Owner Role

If a Job is to be shared by up to 6 employees, you may create user roles and add a percentage for each and when this is added alongside an Owner Name, the system will automatically calculate the Commission Value for each Owner.  

To edit what is already listed, or to delete, highlight the row and use the appropriate buttons to the right.  To add a new Role Name, select 'New' and enter a name and the Role Percentage for that Role Name.

So if we initially had an Owner who was set to a percentage of 100% and then added a further Owner and selected Resourcer (as below and in the above settings example) it would change the initial Owner to 50% and the additional Owner would be put to 50%


Business Types

Business Types can be created to determine the type of business a Job is associated to, be it 'New Business' or 'Existing Client'.  This can then be reported on to see how many roles have been created for purely 'New Business' for example.

To edit what is already listed, or to delete, highlight the row and use the appropriate buttons to the right.  To add a new Business Type, select 'New' and enter a Business Type and a Description if required.

Renewal & Clone Settings

Copy Job Products


When you Renew or Clone a Job record, you may choose to Copy the Job Products which were added at the original Job, over to the Renewed, or Cloned version.

Select 'Yes, carry over to clone/renewal Job' or 'No, leave blank' from the dropdown list.

Copy Job Candidates on Renewal

If you wish to carry over the Candidates which were added to the original Job, over to the renewed Job, you have the following options:


Copy Job Candidates on Clone

If you wish to carry over the Candidates which were added to the original Job, over to the cloned Job, you have the following options:

Copy Job Documents

If you have attached Documents against the original Job and they are also relevant to the renewed/cloned Job, you may copy them over by selecting 'Yes, copy over to renewal job' or 'No' to start afresh. 


Renewal Business Type

When you create a Renewal/Cloned Job record, you may select a default Business type from the dropdown.  Assuming this is a Job for the same Client as the original, you would select 'Existing Client'.


Renewal Status

To set the default Status for the Renewed/Cloned Job, select from the list as per below.  Generally, this will be 'Open' initially.

Reason for Status

A Reason for Status can be added in a Job record to determine 'why' the Job has had the specific Status selected.  If a Job is at a Status of 'Lost' for example, you would add a 'Reason for Status' of 'Client Filled Internally' for example. 

To edit what is already listed, or to delete, highlight the row and use the appropriate buttons to the right.  To add a new Reason for Status, click the green 'New' button and enter a Status Name.

Job Board Settings

Job Board Search Account

This field will contain the unique Account Details generated for your Company in order for you to use the Job Board Search facility


Job Board Search Location

Choose the relevant Location for your Job Board Searches from this dropdown

Auto Parse Applicants

From this dropdown, choose whether you wish to automatically Parse and Shortlist your applicants from the Job Board, or not. Or, you may select to automatically Parse to the Longlist.

Save Job Board Search History

If you would like to save your job board search history you can do so by clicking 'yes' on this option.

Auto-Close Job Board Jobs

This option controls whether Job Board Posted jobs auto-close when the job moves from an Open to Closed Status.


LogicMelon Region

If you are a LogicMelon user, you will need to select a Region from this dropdown of either UK, or US.


Job Board Post Provider

In this dropdown, you will need to select the Job Board Post Provider.  Choose from:

LogicMelon UK Integration

LogicMElon US Integration

Broadbean Integration

Broadbean API Key

If you are a Broadbean User, you will be given an API Key and this will need to entered here to link your Account with TrackerRMS.


Registration Settings

If you wish to overide the Registrations and send them to your own page, enter the details in this box:

Publish Sectors

You may add as many Sectors that you wish to Publish to in this section.  

To edit what is already listed, or to delete, highlight the row and use the appropriate buttons to the right.  To add a new Sector, click the green 'New' button and enter a Publish Sector Name.


Target List Statuses

Target List Status

One of the key aspects of this is with the creation of Target Company Lists within a Job for which recruiters can research and secure candidates from various orginizations to seek other suitable positions.

This list shows the Company, the Owner and who added that Company, along with the target list status, active note and the number of Candidates linked to that company who reside on either the Long List or the Shortlist. 

Statuses are fully customizable from Job Settings (both name and color coding) and this list can also be filtered based on those statuses allowing you to focus on the most important.