This lesson explains what all of the Settings mean for Projects/Assignments. Please note, the naming convention used below is Assignment, but you may have an alternative name of Project in your system. All information is exactly the same for either name.
General Settings
Assignment Prefix |
When an Assignment is created, an ID number will be generated and before this, you will need a Prefix to differentiate between Job ID's and Candidate ID's. Some Clients use a different naming convention for an Assignment, such as 'Project' so you may select your own Prefix to represent this name. ASN for Assignment for instance, or PRO for Project.
Default Assignment Type |
You may select a Default Assignment Type from this dropdown if you are likely to use one in particular, the majority of time. Onboarding should be selected if the Assignment requires Candidates to be added to the Assignment and Internal should be selected if this is a Project which is to run within your business. If you do not wish to set a Default, select the blank row. |
Default Assignment Priority |
If you wish to select a Default Priority for your Assignment, select one from this dropdown. This can be changed when the Assignment is created if necessary. If you do not want a Default setting, select the blank row. |
Notify Candidates of Changes |
If you want your Candidates to be notified of any changes which are made to the Assignment, you need to select 'Yes, notify all Working Candidates' from this dropdown. Alternatively, you can choose 'No, only the Assignment Manager'.
Assignment Notifications |
If your Assignment is associated to a particular Department within your business and you want all of the users within the Department to be notified of any changes, select 'Yes, notify all users in the Department' from the dropdown. If you only want the Owner of the Assignment to be alerted, select 'No, only the assigned user'.
Workflow Settings
Auto Create Assignment on |
When a Job reaches a particular Status, you may want an Assignment to be automatically created. If so, select the Status from the dropdown and a corresponding Assignment will be opened. |
When an Assignment is completed, you may want to update the working Candidates record with the end date and close them off from the Assignment. Alternatively, you can leave them open if they will need to still add hours worked to their Timesheets. |
Set Status of Candidates when Closed |
When you close an Assignment, the Candidates Status can be automatically set to one from the list above. This will ensure that Candidates are then available in searches for new roles. |
Copy over Job Activities |
If the Activities which have been logged against the Job record are required within the Assignment, select 'Yes' here. If they are not relevant, select 'No'.
Copy over Job Notes |
Should you have notes saved against the Job and they are relevant to the Assignment, select 'Yes' to copy them over when the Job is converted, or 'No' if they are not required.
Copy over Job Documents |
If you have uploaded any Documents to the Job record and will need to refer to them when the Assignment is created, please select 'Yes' to copy them over on conversion, or 'No' to leave them at the Job record.
Purchase Order Settings
PO Book Value Source |
The number used in the Purchase Order list can be a Budget or an Actual. The Actual can either be a tally up of Timesheets and Expenses, or Invoices raised against that Assignment. Therefore, you can select from one or the other as the Source. |
Assignment Statuses
You may have as many Statuses as you like in the Assignment Status dropdown. To edit or delete anything in this list, click into the row and select the appropriate button on the right. To add a new Status, click the green 'New' button.
Add a name for your new Status and select the order number for where you want it to sppear in the list. Select the correct Assignment State for your Status. For example, if the Assignment is still live when it is at that particular Status, you would select a State of Active. When it is Complete, the State is Inactive.
Assignment Types
Assignment Types can be added in this section. To edit or delete anything in this list, click into the row and select the appropriate button on the right. To add a new Status, click the green 'New' button.
Assignment Priorities
Assignment Priorities can be added in this section and is your way of knowing which Assignments are more important than others on a timescale level for instance. You may want to change the terminology to Gold, Silver, Bronze for example, or Red, Amber, Green.
To edit or delete anything in this list, click into the row and select the appropriate button on the right. To add a new Priority, click the green 'New' button and enter a name and select the order number for where you want the Priority to appear in the list.
Default Assignment Tasks
Default Tasks will be applied to all Assignment records when they are created. To edit or delete any in the list, click into the Task Name. To change the order of the Tasks, click on the
To sort the order of the Tasks, click on the three dots to the left of the Task Name
To add a new Task, click the green Default Task button. Enter a Task Name and a note if required, then add the relevant Rates for the Task.
Internal Assignments
Internal Assignments can be created for your business to control Holidays and Timesheets, for example, but you may add to or edit this list by using the plus sign and pencil icon to the right of the Internal Assignment name.
Within each Internal Assignment there will be 'Tasks' which need to be booked to and you may have as many of these, as necessary. When you select the Internal Assignment from the dropdown above, you will see that the Internal Tasks alter per Assignment as in the image below, which are the specific Tasks for the 'Absence Management' Internal Assignment.
Default Task Sets
You can add Default Task Sets for an Assignment which can be selected when the Assignment is created. A list of all the default activities which need to be completed will then appear so that you don't need to continuously add them each time you create an Assignment. To edit or delete any of the Task Sets in the list, click into the Name and to add a new one, click the green 'Task Set' button. To add Activities to the Task Set, click into the name and click 'Task'.