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Help Topic: How to create an Onboarding Sequence


This lesson covers the creation of a time based sequence where a series of communications are sent out both before a certain event (in this case a Candidate's start date on a placement) and after that date. 

In this scenario...

  • We will be sending 3 communications to a placed Candidate, an information email, a good luck text on the day they start, and a follow up email a few days after to check how things are going
  • The sequence will only stop if the placement ends early

This article and steps within it assume you have access to the Sequences feature already.


Step 1 - Create the new Sequence of emails

Go to Tools & Settings > Customization > Sequence Templates to open the Sequences Editor

You will be presented with the following screen where you click the [+] button

Enter a name for your new sequence and select the Record Type from which the sequence will be targeted.  In this example we will be enrolling Candidates within a Placement onto this sequence.

Clicking "Save" will add the new sequence and display further options

The Sequence Name and Association will be as you entered in the previous step and you can now further configure the overall behaviour of this sequence as follows:

Sequence Template Details

"Send Emails and Texts on Weekdays Only" - this will ensure that if a step within the sequence lands on a weekend, that the step will wait until the Monday to send so that it gets maximum potential.

"Day Zero" - this is an important settings and tells the sequence when it should start in relation to this "zero" date.  Selecting "Immediately" will prompt for the sequence to begin straight away, or selecting "Use a Specific Date" will allow you to set a fixed date from which the start of the sequence applies.  Because we want to send communications out before and after a certain date, we will be selecting "Start Date" here which is the start date of the Placement (Job Candidate) record which means that we can schedule steps to send both x days before or x days after this date and it will always ensure the sequence correlates with each Placement we set the sequence against.  If this is a date in the past at the point the sequence is started, any steps that would be due before today will not be run e.g. a Newsletter sequence for the year that starts in January.

Stop the Sequence When

"The recipient reacts by" - this allows you to set blanket rules as to when the sequence should stop.  Because in this scenario we are looking to send this out regardless of reaction as this is a standard process, we will leave these option unticked.

"One of the following conditions is met" - this allows you to set certain criteria that relate to the data within Tracker changing part way through the sequence.  For example, if the Candidate's placement is terminated early or completed for some reason before all steps of the sequence have been actioned.  In this scenario we will look for a change to the Placement status.


Step 2 - Create our first step

Once the main settings have been completed we can create our first step which will be an informational email about the job they are about to start.  We can do this by clicking the big (+) icon 

You will then be prompted to enter the details of the step.  Enter a logical step name, the type of communication (in this case Email) and the Offset from the Sequence Start.  As this is due to be sent a few days before the Job starts in order to confirm the details, we will set this to "3 days before".  So, if the Placement State date is 23 June, this step will be due on 20 June.  If we are after 20 June at the time this sequence is started, this step will simply be missed from the sequence and the next due step will be scheduled.

Click "Save" and you will then see this step committed and a familiar template editor screen, where you can start to author your step's communication.

From this screen you can see the step on the left with a delete icon to remove it.  You can also see a (+) both above and below this step allowing you to add a new step at any stage of this sequence.

You can adjust the Step Name and the Offset from Sequence Start if these details need changing.

The "Template Subject" field is the subject that the email will have when it is sent out and you can use the [[...]] button to the right of the fields to insert personalised field such as the recipients name.

You can then build your email content for the confirmation using the main template tag menu which is the [[...]] button on the editor toolbar to write and personalize your introduction email.

At the bottom of the Step Details section there are a number of additional features that allow you to control additional content (such as an automatically attached document) or to set either Workflow rules or Reactions related purely to this step.

"Auto-Attachments" - this allows you to automatically attach one or more documents to the email, for example a map to the client's office or tips for your first day etc.  These must first be uploaded to the Document Library (which you can find in Tools & Settings > Collaboration > Document Library).  These can then be selected using the [+] button.

"Workflow" - this allows you to set additional workflow rules on this email being sent and works in the same way as our normal templates.  For example, you may want to confirm that the Placement Status is set to "On Billing" when the first email is sent as well as a follow up telephone call reminder for the next day to be placed into your ToDo List on sending the first email.  We would therefore set these as follows.

"Reactions" - this is a great feature for determining what happens when there is any type of reaction to this specific step in the sequence.  A "reaction" is defined as one of the following key events:

  • this step completes - this is something we can action whenever this step completes
  • an email link is clicked - this reaction is triggered whenever a link is clicked within this specific email
  • a positive reply is received - this reaction is triggered whenever the recipient replies with positive sentiment
  • a negative reply is received - this reaction is triggered whenever the recipient replies with a negative sentiment

Please note that only those sequences sent via our domain can be analyzed for sentiment as we do not have access to your email inbox.  Details of this are covered a little later on.

On selecting a "reaction", you can then select what happens and there are many options available to you, including:

  • Add the person to a Send List so that then can be reviewed or campaigned at a later date
  • Create a new Lead or Contact record from the detail of the candidate
  • Send a notification alert to either the sender of the sequence, or any other user of Tracker
  • Start a whole new sequence for this candidate
  • Send a standard email template internally to either the sender of the sequence or any other user of Tracker
  • Send a standard email template to the recipient candidate, for example further information or a Thank You email

For this scenario we are not going to set any reactions as this is an information only sequence.

Once complete, click the "Save Step" at the top of this section to save this step in the sequence.  Please note that whenever this "Save Step" button turns green, this means that there are changes to be saved.  If you attempt to create a new step or select a different step before saving the changes to the current step, you will be prompted but it is good practice to always save your step whenever you make a change.


Step 3 - Create our second step

With our first step created, clicking the (+) button located underneath the first step, creates a new step that will follow on from that first step.  This will present a new Step window that you can complete for the "good luck" text step.

Note that for this step we are setting the "Offset from Sequence Start" to "Immediately" in this scenario which will schedule this text message to go immediately after "day zero" which is the Placement start date.  It is important to note that this is always the offset from the "day zero" of the sequence and not the offset from the previous step.

Clicking "Save" will display the new step and it's logical place in the sequence along with the timing for that step.  These steps can be dragged around in this sequence if required should you wish to move a step to a different place in the sequence.

As this is a small good luck text, we can build a simple yet personalised message using the template editor.

Remember to "Save" this step so that your updates to the good luck text message are saved.


Step 3 - Create our final step

To create the 3rd and final step we will repeat the process for the last step and click the (+) button underneath step 2 and clone the details from step 1 to create step 3.  Remember to set the "Offset from Sequence Start" correctly, in this case we will set this to "2 days after" which is 2 days from the Placement start date.

As this is our final step we will want to update the subject and content of the email.

Once complete, save the step and then save the sequence template using the "Save Template" button at the very top of the page.


Step 4 - Starting a Sequence for a Candidate Placement

To start a sequence on a Placement, open either the Job or Assignment record to access the Placement record.  In the Actions menu select the "Start Sequence for Candidate" option.

Once any of these options are selected, you will be asked to confirm which sequence to enrol into and also confirm the time the sequence should start.  Because the sequence already knows the start date is the "day zero" being applied to this sequence we only need to confirm the time for this sequence.

The "Send From" option on the page above provides you with 2 options to send from.

  • My Own Mail Account - Sending from your own mail server is ideal for smaller sequence emails where you want to send more personalised emails to only a select few recipients per day. Emails will be sent using your own mail server using your own email account, and therefore we will be unable to process any replies and assess positive or negative sentiment if these conditions are being used in your Sequence Template.
  • The TrackerRMS Sequencer - Sending from the TrackerRMS Sequencer is ideal for sales based sequencing as it allows you to send as many emails as you wish without breaching your mail server send restrictions. Email will be sent by domain however the name will still be yours, much like our campaigner. We will also receive any replies to your emails on your behalf allowing us to assess the positive or negative sentiment if these conditions are being used in your Sequence Template.  Emails sent back to this address are still forwarded to you and logged within Tracker so you will not miss any replies.

On selecting the preferences and clicking "Ok", the sequence is started and can be seen in the Sequences list within the Placement record.

The columns are customizable in this list as with others within Tracker and show the current status of any sequence that this contact is enrolled into.  It also shows the status, and key dates for the sequence.  Clicking the icon to the right of the list will load the details of the sequence into the Timeline window where you can see which steps have been run and what step is scheduled to run next.

The next step to run is shown as a faded step with the "Due on dd Mmm yy" date visible so that you can tell when the next step is due and what step that will be.

For steps that have completed, you will be able to see precisely when it was sent, when it was opened, and if any link in the email is clicked, which link that was and when it was clicked.  If the email bounces or the recipient opts out of the sequence, these details are also recorded in the Timeline.

If a sequence is stopped due to a stop rule, this will also show in the Timeline, detailing the cause or rule that stopped it, as in the example below.

Cannot see Sequences in your Placement record?

Don't worry!  This is a new record block that can be added to your Layout wherever you want so to find out how to do this, please review this article.


Step 5 - Review all Sequences in flight

If you want to see all sequences in flight and who in enrolled in each, there is a new "Sequences" page within the "Campaigns" menu.

This will display the names of all sequences in use and the number of queued, running and completed sequences scheduled for each.

Clicking the blue icon to the right will load the details of the sequence into the preview pane on the right.

From here you can review the steps that currently make up the sequence and links to edit the template in the sequence editor (covered at the very top of this article), view the results of the sequence for each person enrolled, or view the headline statistics in a pie chart.

The Results button opens a more detailed view of the Sequence where you will see further details including:

  • A summary of all reactions including Opened, Unopened, Clicked Through, Bounced and Unsubscribed
  • Statistics of each reaction, in the middle section, which can be used to filter one or more results in the list of people
  • An engagement chart showing the chronological time frame of engagement (when people engaged)
  • A list of people that related to the filters set with key dates for the sequence being viewed
  • The Timeline for that person and for the chosen sequence


Step 6 - Stopping Sequences

At any point during a sequence, you can stop one or all sequences against a person by ticking the check box next to their name and using the "Stop Selected Sequences" option in the Action menu.

To stop all sequences for a given person, open their record and use the "Stop All Sequences" button located above the Sequences list.