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Help Topic: How to send an Onboarding Sequence to a Candidate


This lesson explains how to start a Sequence from a Candidate Record.

Go into the record of the Candidate from where you wish to start a Sequence and click on the blue box to the right with 3 white lines to reveal the Action Menu

Towards the bottom of this menu you will see the option to Start a Sequence.  


  1. Select the Template you wish to send from the Sequence Template dropdown
  2. Set Start On date for the Date you wish the Sequence to begin
  3. Set a time for when you would like the Sequence to Start After
  4. From the Send From dropdown, select either to send from the TrackerRMS Sequencer, (where all bulk sends are fully managed on your behalf), or select to send from your own Mail Account

Click the blue OK button to set the Sequence.

To check that your Sequence is in the queue, hover over the Campaigns Tab and go to Sequences:

You can then see your Sequence in the list.  If you have set it to start on a date in the future, the number will be within the Queued column, if it is in the process of sending, it will be in the Running Column and as in this case, as the Sequence has sent, it will show in the Completed column.

Clicking the above icon to the right of the total will show you a summary of the Sequence and you will also be able to view the results of the Sequence from there.