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Help Topic: How to review existing Sequences in flight

This lesson explains how to review existing Sequences in flight.

If you want to see all sequences in flight and who is enrolled in each, there is a new "Sequences" page within the "Campaigns" menu.

This will display the names of all sequences in use and the number of queued, running and completed sequences scheduled for each.

Clicking the blue icon to the right will load the details of the sequence into the preview pane on the right.

From here you can review the steps that currently make up the sequence and links to edit the template in the sequence editor (covered at the very top of this article), view the results of the sequence for each person enrolled, or view the headline statistics in a pie chart.

The Results button opens a more detailed view of the Sequence where you will see further details including:

  • A summary of all reactions including Opened, Unopened, Clicked Through, Bounced and Unsubscribed
  • Statistics of each reaction, in the middle section, can be used to filter one or more results in the list of people
  • An engagement chart showing the chronological time frame of engagement (when people engaged)
  • A list of people that related to the filters set with key dates for the sequence being viewed
  • The Timeline for that person and for the chosen sequence

Keywords: Sequence; Sequences; in progress; review; review sequence