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Help Topic: Non-Working Days

This lesson explains Non-Working Days and how to add them to TrackerRMS.

To access Non-Working Days Settings, go to your name in the top, right hand corner of the screen and select Tools & Settings.  Go to the Financial Section and click on the arrow next to Non-Working Days.  If this isn't visible, you will need to ask your Administrator or Client Success Manager to add the privilege to your User Group

Non-Working Days can be added to this section so that you can create accurate Revenue Days Calculations.  In the example below we have added all Bank Holidays, so if selected, those days will not be included in the Revenue Calculation as they are Non-Working Days. 

To add further Non-Working Days, click the green Calendar button and add a Calendar Name, then list out the dates in the box below.  Add one date per row and hit return to add the next.  Once done, click 'OK'.