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Help Topic: Adjusting Payment Settings

This lesson explains how to adjust the Payment Settings within the Financial section of Tools & Settings.

To Adjust Payment Settings, go to your name in the top, right hand corner of the screen and select Tools & Settings.  Go to the Financial Section and click on the arrow next to Payment Settings.  If this isn't visible, you will need to ask your Administrator or Client Success Manager to add the privilege to your User Group

General Settings

Default Payment Status

To set a Default Payment Status when an Invoice is sent, choose one of the options above.  Usually, this would be 'Pending Payment' and that would be manually changed upon Payment received. 

To add Default Payment terms to your Invoices, use the arrows in this box to select the number, or enter it manually.

Payment Categories

If you need to Categorise your Payments, you may add further Payment Category Names in this section.  To edit or delete from the list, click into the relevant row and use the appropriate buttons on the right.  To add a new Category, click the 'New' button and enter the Name and if required, a Tax Rate to use.