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Help Topic: Create a Timesheet from Start to Finish

This lesson explains how to create a Timesheet from Start to Finish.

*Once you have updated job dates & fees in the placement record of the candidate, you are ready to convert the job to a Project/Assignment (since Tracker is customizable you may use different language within your database).

1. Convert Job to Project

  • Click into the blue action menu at the top right of your screen, select Convert to Project
  • Click Yes to convert and then open the new project record

2. Assign Tasks to Candidate

  • Now that you've created a project, you will want to assign tasks to the candidate so they can schedule time against them
  • Click on the Tasks & Activities tab within the project (keep in mind your tab may be labeled something different or tasks & activities may reside elsewhere)
  • Click on the green Add Task button
  • Add the task name, the Task Status, and make sure to add the Expected Start Date & Expected End Date (the same dates the candidate starts and ends the assignment)
  • Choose whether the task is billable, and what rate the task will be billed at
  • You can also add rollover time to tasks (if you want regular hours to rollover into overtime hours)
  • Once you have finished entering in the task details, budget & rates, click Ok
  • You can now see Regular Hours under Planning Tasks

3. Apply Tasks to Candidate

  • Click into the placement record of the candidate that's on the Project Team
  • Click on the Timesheets tab and check off Regular Hours
  • Only check off the timesheet tasks that should be applied to this candidate
  • Make sure to hit Save & Close once you've made all of the necessary changes

4. View the Candidate's Timesheet

  • Click on the candidate's timesheet icon
  • Now you can view what the candidate will see when they login to their timesheet portal and input an entry
  • If this is the first time that you have placed a candidate, and this is their first time logging into their timesheet, there is one more step to complete!

5. Send Candidate Timesheet Welcome Email

  • Open candidate record
  • In this demo example, our candidate's portal information is located in the Timesheets & Expenses tab on their candidate record
  • Please keep in mind that your candidate portal information may be located elsewhere (as all databases in Tracker are customizable)
  • Make sure the 'Enter Timesheets' field is checked, so the candidate has the ability to add time
  • To send an email to the candidate with their timesheet portal credentials and URL, hit the blue action button and click 'Send an Email'
  • Select the email template that includes the candidate's timesheet portal login information. Within this template be sure to replace the area for click here to reflect the address for your own candidate portal.
  • Once you have sent the email, the candidate will be able to access their timesheet portal and successfully add time