Our Client Portal provides branding and more information regarding shared candidates.
This includes:
- Branded logon page for your Clients
- Key statistical and Candidate information for each Job
- Full profiles for Candidates
- Links to Agency Resume and Video Resume
- Ability to provide instant feedback
- Ability to request and interview and provide suitable interview dates/times
- Ability to automatically reject Candidates presented
Branded Logon Page
The new experience for your Clients is immediately apparent by presenting your own company logo in the Client logon page (the example below shows our own logo for demonstration purposes):
New Look Menu
The new menu is now clearer to view and personalized to the Client Contact logging on, with the number of Open Jobs clearer displayed:
From here, Client's can access all open Jobs you have shared Candidates for and will automatically appear in this list once at least one Candidate has been shared.
Sending the Client directly to the Job Landing Page
If you want to send Clients directly to the Job landing page without navigating through the menu, you can access the directly link (and send this via email) by opening the Job record and using the link in the Working Folder field which can be found in the Job Profile section:
The Job Page
This page has been redesigned to provide more information about the progress of the Job and the Candidates shared, including the status they are at in the process.
How to Share a Candidate
There are a number of ways you can share a Candidate to the Job Page on the Client Portal.
Send Resumes using the "Online" method
Sending Resumes to the Client and selecting the "Online" Send Method will automatically share these Candidates allowing them to see and review them instantly:
Share Individual Candidates from the Placement
Opening the Placement record and selecting the Online Sharing or Portal tab (depending on your layout) will allow you to share a Candidate and prepare their profile which will be seen on the Client Portal.
From this page, you can:
- Select the Resume to share with the Client
- Select the Video Resume to share with the Client
- Format the Online Profile for the Candidate based on an Agency Resume Template
Bulk Share Candidates from the Shortlist
You can also select multiple Candidates from the Shortlist and use the new Share/Unshare option on the bulk Shortlist menu:
This will be clearer indicated within the shortlist card within this note:
Viewing Candidates in the Job Page
Each of the Candidates shared will be presented on the Job page within the Shortlist stage they currently reside allowing the Client to click on each to view their information.