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Help Topic: Target Client Lists

We now provide a new suite of Executive Search workflow geared purely to the headhunting market.

One of the key aspects of this is with the creation of Target Company Lists within Job for which consultants can research and secure candidates from various orginizations to seek suitable positions.

This list shows the Company, the Owner and who added that Company, along with the status, active note and the number of Candidates linked to that company who reside on either the Long List or the Shortlist.  Statuses are fully customizable from the Tools pages (both name and color coding) and this list can also be filtered based on those statuses allowing you to focus on the most important.

This forms part of the standard ATS functionality and is available in the Layout Designer as Target Company List and can be placed anywhere within the Job record layout.


This list can be populated either from within a Company record (using the option on the Action Menu), or but conduting a search on the main Company list and selecting one or more Companies and use the option on the bulk Action Menu.


You will be presented with a popup page to ask which Job to target these to, the status to set these to, and leave and optional note that can be relayed in the Job list for future reference.


If you have a similar Job to that of a previous Job, you can also reassign Companies from one Target List to any other by selecting the Companies from the Job's Target Company List and using the Action menu to re-assign: