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Help Topic: Creating an Extension

Creating an Extension


*Note: If you utilize Timesheets, do not create an extension until all time has been entered with the previous rate.

There are a few different ways to create extensions. 

1. Date Extension - best if you only need to extend the dates and rates stay the same.

  • Click into the project/assignment record
  • Once you’re in the project, click on the task you would like to extend from the Project Candidate Tasks screen

  • Update the date information as necessary


2. Task Rate Extension - best if you need to extend the dates and update rates on all timesheet tasks at the same time.

  • Click into the placement record you need to change the rates and extend the dates for. Click the actions button, and select 'create extension'


  • From here, you will want to select the Task extension option as it will update both the pay/charge rates as well as the dates for all timesheet tasks

  • Select when the extension should start, and put in the new rates below. At this point you can also rename the extended tasks if you'd like.

  • Click Ok to extend the tasks:

  • You will then see a new Extension tasks created with the updates in your project/assignment record with the new rates and dates.

Make sure to save any changes that you make

3. Full Extension - best if you need to extend on a job (and aren't using Tracker timesheets, but simply want to track the extension) and you may need to update the placement details (such as ownership, or fees etc.)

  • This will track the history of your changes for reporting as well.
  • Click into the Placement > Action > Create Extension

  • Next you'll want to select the Full Extension option, as that will allow you to replicate the placement record and update more details than just rates and dates (Ex: Placement Ownership in case that changed, or burden etc.)

  • Select the extension dates & check off "extend tasks which align with current placement end date" if you would like the timesheet task dates to be updated as well:

  • You will receive this notification once you click 'create extension'

  • When you go back into that placement record, it will display Version 2 or the "extended" placement. From here, you can update the placement's rates, burden, ownership or any other necessary details:

  • You can toggle back and forth between placement versions two different ways.
  • The first, by clicking into the Action button in the placement record, selecting "Placement Versions" and choosing the version you'd like to view (you may have many!)


Or by opening the Placement Record separately and toggling between versions by clicking here: