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Help Topic: Absence Management

To set who approves/rejects candidate’s time off/absence requests, you will want to complete the following steps:

1. Click into Tools & Settings at the top right of your Tracker screen

2. Open the Resource Tools tab on your left > Select Time & Expense Settings

3. Scroll down to Availability Settings

4. Here you have the following options to select for absence approval requests:

  • Internal HR Manager Only
    • This is located in the *Manager* field in the Human Resources section on a candidate record
  • Assignment/Project Manager Only
    • This is located in the Assignment/Project record under Assignment Details as the “Assignment Manager” field
  • Client Hiring Manager Only
    • This is located in the job record as the primary *contact* field for the position you’re hiring for
  • Internal HR Manager and Assignment/Project Manager
  • HR and Client Hiring Manager
  • Assignment and Client Hiring Manager
  • Everyone