Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package
To advertise "Open Shifts", follow these steps.
"Open Shifts" are shift that are unfilled currently and "open" for any Candidate to "Request" via the Candidate App. The audience for the "Open Shifts" are controlled using "Candidate Pools" (or Send Lists) which contain one or more Candidates, for example you may have a Pool called "My Best Chefs" that have your top 20 "Chef" Candidates.
By apply one or more "Pools" to the Job, these Candidates will be able to see and request all or some of the Shifts within that Job.
Advertising on New Jobs
To advertise Shifts when creating the Job, select the "Pools" you wish to advertise to on the New Shift Job popup form at the time of creating the new Shift Job:
Advertising Existing Jobs
To advertise an existing Job using "Pools", open the Job record and go to the Job Shift Details section. Here you will be able to add, remove or change the "Pools" assigned to the Job.
"Open Shifts" on the Candidate App
Once saved, these "Open Shifts" will become immediately availble via the Candidate App:
Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package