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Help Topic: Rejecting Shift Requests

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package

To reject a shift that has been requested, follow these steps.

"Requested" shifts are those which have been advertised as "Open Shifts" via the App and advertised to Candidates.  The Candidate can review the Shift on the App and request the shift.  Depending on the number of positions within that Shift, this is on a first-come-first-served basis so the Request must be either Confirmed or Rejected in Tracker via the Shift Planner.

"Confirmed" Shifts are moved into the Candidates' "My Shifts" tab immediately on confirmation whereas "Rejected" Shifts are returned back to the "Open Shifts" pool for other Candidates to request.

To Reject a Shift, for example because the Candidate is not qualified enough, or compliant, open the Shift Planner and if required, filter on the Status of "Requested" to make them easier to identify.

Click on the status of the shift in the Candidate card and select "Request Rejected".

To commit this confirmation, click the Save & Publish button to broadcast the confirmation back to the Candidate and remove this from their request list:

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package