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Help Topic: Compliance

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package

Compliance is an important part of the Shift Management process, allowing you to store various forms of Compliance against Candidates and then using this to ensure that working Candidates are fully verified in order to work.

The Compliance is displayed on both the Shift Planner (when assigning Candidates) and on the Shift Dashboard (when reviewing working Candidates):


No Compliance Items

This indicated that the Candidate has no current Compliance Items on their Candidate record with which to assess compliance

Item(s) Expired

This indicates that one or more Compliance Items for this Candidate hae lasped and therefore need re-verifying

Item(s) Unverified

This indicates that one or more non date related items (such as registration) have not been completed or verified

Item(s) Verified

This indicates that all current Compliance Items have been successfully Verified and how may items there are


Whilst working in the Shift Planner, you can choose whether Non-Compliance results in the blocking of workers being assigned to Shifts.  This can be set in:

Tools & Settings > Assignment Settings > Shift Settings


Setting this either permits or restricts the ability to assign Candidates to Shifts (by disabling the drag and/or Assign to Shift buttons in the Shift Planner:


Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package