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Help Topic: Dashboard Statuses

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package


On the Shift Dashboard, the page will refresh automatically every 5 minutes, with the Messages refreshing every 60 seconds.

This will automatically refresh the statuses that appear on the left of each candidate in the list:


The statuses will vary based on the time of day and the time of the Candidates shift as follows:


This indicates that the Shift is Confirmed and waiting to start


This indicates that the Candidate is nearing the start of their shift but has not yet been Checked In. Nearing is defined as being within 15 minutes of the shift start time


This indicates that the shift start time has passed and yet the Candidate has not yet Checked In


This indicates that the shift has started and the Candidate has already Checked In


This indicates that the shift has finished and the Candidate has already Checked Out

No Show

This indicates that the Candidate has been flagged as a "No Show" by either the Candidate, the Client or a User in Tracker

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package