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Help Topic: Standalone Placement Records

Placement records are now available as standalone records, much like Jobs and Assignments.

This is represented by a new main menu item called "Placements" (or "Job Candidates" depending on your naming convention) and indicated with the new briefcase icon:


Placement Menu Lists

This provides the same level of functionality as the other main menu items, including:

  • My Placements - Placements that have you in any of the Job or Placement ownership fields
  • All Placements - Every "Working" or "Complete" Placement
  • New Placements - All Placements with start date either in the past 2 weeks or the next 2 weeks
  • Active Placements - All Placements that are currently active or "Working"
  • Completed Placements - All Placements that are in "Completed" status (e.g. typically Perm Placed or Completed Assignment)

There are also additional views available:

  • My Views - Any of your own saved views for Placements using the Filters on the Placements list
  • Shared Views - As above but shared by other users
  • My Recently Viewed - Placements recently accessed in order or time accessed


The Standalone Placement Record

Opening a Placement record from this list will open a full screen version of the Placement record and will adopt the same layout as that defined for the original pop-out version.


Placements will have the new "PLC-" prefix by default but this can be changed if required within Tools & Settings > Customization > Display Settings

It also has a unique number which can be used to search, reference or locate the Placement using Quick Search etc.


Placement Action Menu

The Placement record also has an Action Menu much like all other main records where you can find all the key actions that are available in the original pop-out version and work in the same way: