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Help Topic: Custom Job Description Templates


Job Descriptions are often parsed and tidied up by the parsing process into the Publish section of the Job, but presented as plain text for the user to update.

Often the client wants to apply a standard format to this before posting to their website or sending to the Job Boards.

In the same way we can apply standard formatting to Candidate's Agency Resumes, we can now apply standard templates to the Published Job Description.


Setting up Job Description Templates

Job Description Templates can be setup in Tools & Settings > Customization > Job Descrption Templates


Create a new template using the + button and start with either a blank template or from a Word Document (docx) if available:


Use the editor to create the template, using template [tags] from the [[...]] tags menu to include fields from the Job record into the template:


You can create as many of these as you want in the Job Descpription Templates page.


Apply a Job Desciption Template

To apply a Job Description Template, open the Job and go to your Publish section.

In the editor section there is a button to apply templates where a list of your templates will appear:


Selecting this option will automatically re-format your Job Decription using the template tags defined in the template: