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Starting a Sequence on Behalf of Another User

You can now start a Sequence on behalf of another user in your system. After clicking Start a Sequence, choose the Sequence Owner from the drop down to have that Sequence sent from that User after ...

Automated Sequence Ownership

Sequences can now be sent from a specific Owner of a record when automation is enabled. Depending on what record a sequence is triggered from, you can designate a certain Record Owner to be the sen...

Stop a Sequence by Submitting a Form

Sequences now have the option to be stopped once a Web Form has been filled out ...

Pause/Resume Sequences

Sequences can be Paused and Resumed from the Sequence menu. Check off the box next to the Candidate(s) where you would like to Pause/Reusme the Sequence. Click the Action button, then chose to Pau...

Failed Sequence Notification

When sending a sequence to mulitple people and some of those people have either an invalid email address (for emails) or invalid cell phone (for text messages), a notification will be sent to the Se...

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