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Find Tear Sheets/Send Lists when Adding

You can now search Send List names when trying to add candidates ...

Reason For Leaving Field in Resume History

New Reason for Leaving Field in the Resume History section of the candidate record ...

Candidate Portal Defaults in Tools & Settings

You can now set overall default Candidate Portal Settings in the Candidates Settings section of Tracker ...

Notice Period Field is now a column in the Candidate section

The Notice Period Field is now available as a Column in Candidate list Views ...

Ability to Set Candidates Off-Limits

Clicking the icon allows you to set a candidate "Off-Limits" for a specified date range, allowing you options to: 1. Mark a candidate off-limits (no restrictions, just noted). 2. Restrict users fr...

Website Apply Alerts

To setup alerts for when a candidate applies through your website, follow the below steps: 1. Open My Settings 2. Scroll to My Alerts, and set the following options: ...

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