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How to Connect to Docusign

To connect to docusign, please read the below instructions or follow along in our video. Open Docusign in your browser Click on the Settings Tab Scroll down to Integrat...

Sending a Docusign Form From a Candidate Record

1. Navigate to a Candidate record and use the Action Menu to locate the 'Send a Form' option 2. Click the Docusign button to access your Docusign Forms 3. Choose the Envelope that you'd like t...

Sending a Docusign Form to a Placement

1. Navigate to a Job's Shortlist and use the dropdown arrow next to the blue Placement Record icon to Send a Form 2. Select 'Docusign' 3. Select the form that you'd like to send and click 'Pre...

Using Merge Fields in Docusign

Docusign allows for using a feature called 'Merge Fields' within Tracker RMS. This gives users of our product the ability to auto-populate fields within forms created inside of Docusign. The key to...

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