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Help Topic: New Features (May 24, 2024)

Audit Log Addition - Clear Results from Longlist

When a user clears a Longlist, documentation of the action will be generated. Details here.

Fields documented:

  • Date & Time
  • Type (Record)
  • User
  • Action Description (Search Results Cleared)
  • Item Name (Job info)

Permission to Clear Longlist

A new permission has been set at the User Group level which permits or restricts the ability to clear the search results from a Longlist. View more details here.

Tools & Settings > User Groups > User Group Privileges > Job Record > Longlist > Search Results > Clear Results Button

Add Candidates in Bulk from a Shortlist

In effort to provide a consistant experience, we've added an easy way to add multiple candidates to a Send List from a Shortlist at once. View the steps to take here.

When one or more candidates are selected on the Shortlist, the Action menu can be activated. From the Action menu choose 'Add to Send List' which will add everyone selected. Once selected, you'll have the option to choose a Send List, create a new list, or cancel.

TrackerAI Now Runs on the Most Powerful OpenAI Source: ChatGPT 4.0

ChatGPT 4.0 demonstrates a better understanding of context, logic, and causality, while increasing preciseness and reducing biases.

Learn more about Tracker's CompAIr feature, powered by TrackerAI here.