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Help Topic: Sending Job Specific Screening Questions to Candidates

After building out job-specific screening questions using these instructions, you are ready to send these to the list of candidates interested in the position. This can be done in the Shortlist or Longlist of the job.

Make sure to review the Screening Template email that will be used. This can be edited under Tools & Settings > Collaboration > Video & Screening:

Make sure to include the tag for the Screening Link to the questions:

From the Shortlist - 

  1. Click into the drop down arrow of the candidate you would like to send screening questions to, and select "Screening Questions"

2. From here, you can select one of your pre-built screening question templates. You can choose to only show this job's specific templates, or your company-wide default screening templates in addition

3. There will also be an option here to generate targeted questions using AI to analyze this candidate's resume against the job description


4. Whether you have decided to generate targeted questions, or use one of the job-specific screening templates, to send this to the candidate click here:

5. You will see an email activity automatically populated sending the screening questions to the candidate:


From the Longlist:

1. You will see the same option in the longlist results page, where you can select "Screening Questions" from the candidate's drop down arrow:

2. Follow the same steps listed above ^

Follow these instructions on how to review candidate screening results.