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Help Topic: Installing the Gmail Addin

This lesson explains how to install the Gmail Addin

The new Gmail Addin has now been launched and can be downloaded from the G-Marketplace.

Please click here to install: Tracker - Gmail Addon

The Addin has an all new look and feel and is more inline with the Outlook Addin.

Watch and learn how to connecting your Email Plugin

It sits seamlessly in the sidebar of the Gmail window and as you select items in the Inbox, presents you with a summary of the information in TrackerRMS for the sender (if they exist), or options to create records from the Sender's details if they do not current exist.

Functions available in the new Addin include:

  • View Client and Contact information for matching records
  • Ability to "Open in TrackerRMS" any matching record, taking you directly to the record in a new browser tab
  • Ability to Create a Contact if not already existing
  • Create a Lead from an email
  • Create a Job from either an email, or a specification attachment
  • Create and Update a Candidate from an attached CV/Resume
  • Track the Email to any specified record in TrackerRMS
  • Track only attachments to any specified record in TrackerRMS
  • Send the email to Tracker to automatically attach to relevant records
  • Reply and Track - allowing you to reply to an email and track it in TrackerRMS

Watch and learn how to use the Gmail Addin