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Standalone Placement Records

Placement records are now available as standalone records, much like Jobs and Assignments. This is represented by a new main menu item called "Placements" (or "Job Candidates" depending on your nam...

Searching for Placement Records

Placements can be searched in the same way as other main records using the Placement Id. There is also a new filter options for narrowing down these placements in Quick Search: To find Placemen...

Pop-Out versus Full Record

When in the Shortlist of a Job, you have the option to use the Pop-Out version (the original version) or the Full Record. This is set within the application settings found in Tools & Settings > Pl...

The Placement List

The main Placement list works in the same way as the other main lists, offering: Paging 2 Factor sorting by column Customize Columns List filtering Saved Views Quick View (the pop-out version ...

Assign New Candidates to Publish Contact

Ownership assigned to new candidates parsed into Tracker, as a result of an application, will now be to the Job Publish "Main Contact" rather than the default of the Job Owner in all cases. If no "...

Lock Placement Records

There is a User Group Privilege called "Change Working / Complete Placements" that allows you to control changes to Placements in any of these statuses: If this privilege is unticked then the Sa...

Task Grid

To make it easier to manage Candidates and Tasks within the Assignment record we have introduced to Task Grid (or Assignment Candidate Tasks in the Layout Designer). This video explains how to setu...

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