Your one-stop shop for help on TrackerRMS
To date, Tracker has calculated Placement values using Margin calculations whereas some client work on a Mark-Up basis. We now offer the ability to set this calculation method at both the System le...
To expediate the calculation of standard overtime rates, we have included a new drop down list in the Placement Rates section that provided configurable factors that can be applied to standard rates...
There is a new record block in the Layout Designer called Placement Defaults that allows for Job level defaults to be configured that can be applied to Placements within it without the need to confi...
A new Placement Owner filter has been added to the main Placements list to allow Placements to be found using any one of the five owners defined in the Placement record: ...
Activities can now be auto-generated in the Placement record when Placements change status. This includes all standard and custom activity types and can be set within Placement Settings > Automatic...