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Adding Timesheet Tab to a Placement Record

This lesson explains how to Add the Timesheet Tab to a Placement Record. To add the Timesheet Tab into a Placement Record, click into your name at the top, right hand corner of the screen and go to...

Create a Timesheet from Start to Finish

This lesson explains how to create a Timesheet from Start to Finish. *Once you have updated job dates & fees in the placement record of the candidate, you are ready to convert the job to a Project/...

Manually add a Timesheet Task to a Project/Assignment

This lesson explains how to add a Timesheet Task to a Project/Assignment 1. Click Into a Project Click into the Tasks & Activities tab to get to the Planning Tasks section within the project K...

Setup Timesheet Task Rollover

Setup Timesheet Rollover *If you have overtime rates and you would like your regular hours to rollover into those overtime rates, you can do so by setting up timesheet rollover. 1. Click Into a Pr...

Add California Rules to Timesheets

Add California Rules to Timesheets 1. You will first want to add Double Time as a task to the project you are working on 2. Make sure to add the details needed for the task (Start/End Date) 3. On...

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