TrackerRMS Help

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Verifying your IP Address

This lesson explains how you verify your IP address if you log on from somewhere other than the IP Address stated in your settings. Should you try to log on to TrackerRMS from a different IP Addre...

Setting "Safe" IP Addresses and how they work

This lesson explains how to set Safe IP Addresses and how they work. To access Security Settings, click into your name at the top, right hand corner of the screen and go to Tools & Settings. In th...

Making a Record Private

This lesson explains how to make a Record Private so that only those individuals with the Privilege of viewing Private Records can see them. Make sure you are in the record that you want to make pr...

Audit History within records

This lesson explains how to use the Audit History within records. The audit history within a record will show activity from the past 180 days. This feature is only permitted with admin permission s...

Audit History within Tools & Settings

This lesson shows you how to view the Audit History for the system within Tools and Settings. The audit history in Tools & Settings will show activity from the past 180 days. To view the audit h...

Viewing and un-deleting existing deleted records

This lesson explains how to Un-delete records which have already been deleted. If a record has been deleted in Tracker it does goes into a deleted records bin. To undelete the record, start by my c...

Single Sign-On

We now support single sign-on only which allows you to restrict users within your Active Directory domain or Office.Com portal to only access TrackerRMS via this single sign-on method. This add ano...

Our Security Protocol for Logon

Security Protocol In order to keep our client's data as safe as possible, we adopt a strict security protocol for Logon. At the point your details are entered into the Logon page, these are encrypte...

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