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Sending App Installation and Logon Details

This is a tutorial for creating a custom email template to send App details out to Candidates for the new Tracker OTM App, as well as demonstrate how to send a candidate the details via email. It u...

The Main Menu in Candidate App

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package The main menu is the landing page for the App: This has all the options that the Candidate has access to on one pa...

My Week

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package The "My Week" page show details about the Candidates' current shift including the Title, Company, Date, Time and Locat...


Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package The Shifts Page shows the current shifts by day for the current week. Candidates can navigate from week to week and d...


The Availability page allows Candidates to declare their availability with one tap or provide more details availability. Single Day Availability Tapping single days will highlight each day a...


The Timesheet page shows the time booked for each day in the given week. Candidates can move from week to week to view historic timesheet information. From this page the can view or edit timesh...


Notifications is where all inbound alerts for this Candidate will appear with the ability to tap-and-go to the relevant page, or use the "HIDE" button to achknowledge and remove the Notification: ...


Messages can be sent and received by the App are presented in date/time order, with the latest messages at the top. Message Templates You can setup default "Portal Message" templates in Tool...

Creating Message Templates

You can setup default "Portal Message" templates in Tools & Settings > Candidate Settings > Portal Settings which will appear in the App, saving the Candidate time for the most common messages: ...

Pay History

The Pay History page shows all payments raised in Tracker for this Candidate based on the selected dates. Please note that Payment records must be generated from the Timesheets page in Tracker for ...

Job History

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package This page of the App shows the Job History between the given dates with the key details of each Job. This allows Cand...


This page of the App shows 2 sets of documents: General Documents - which are those shared in the Tracker Document Library and made available to all Candidates. Shared Documents - which are those ...

Candidate Profile

The Candidate Profile page of the App shows the key contact details we have for that Candidate. They can also upload a profile photo which will be used on the App front page, but also for the Candi...

Display Options

Candidates can customize the look and feel of their App using the buttons at the top of the App, which includes: The background color - one of 9 colors available: The theme, which can be light,...

Checking In

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package Candidates Check In and Out of Shifts they have been assigned. On opening the App, if there is a current active Shift...

Checking Out

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package Candidates Check In and Out of Shifts they have been assigned. On opening the App, if there is a current active Shift...

Billable Hours (Shift vs Calculated)

Please note that Shift Management is not available for the the Starter Package There are 2 main options for calculating the Billable Hours that will be entered onto a Candidate's timesheet at the p...

Logging Absence via Candidate App

You can declare your absence availability such as holidays, expenses or working other contracts via the App which tells the agency when you are either unavailable to work, or to specifically request...

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