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What is a Dashboard

This lesson explains what a Dashboard is and its uses ...

Cloning an existing Dashboard

This lesson explains how to Clone an existing Dashboard First find the dashboard you would like to clone, hover over home and click on “My Dashboards” and then select the dashboard you ...

How to Share or View a Dashboard

This lesson explains how to view a Dashboard and Share it with your Colleagues If your dashboard has already been created, go to the right side of the page and click on the blue “...

Filtering Dashboards

This lesson shows you how to filter Dashboards Filters can be added to Dashboards to alter the data accordingly within the view. When you are in a Dashboard view which you need to alter the inform...

Saving Dashboards

This lesson explains how to save a Dashboard once a new one is created, or if you have edited an existing one Once you have added all of the required content to your Dashboard, hit 'Save' in the...

Creating a new Dashboard

This lesson explains how to create a New Dashboard Hover over the home tab and click on “Create a New Dashboard. From here its going to take you to blank screen where you can add different p...

Viewing Existing Dashboards

This lesson shows you how to view existing Dashboards To view your existing Dashboards, hover over the Home tab and in the list, you will see 'my Dashboards' with a list below and 'Shared Dashboard...

Setting User Targets in Widgets

Setting User Targets in Widgets This lesson will show you how to set targets within Dashboard widgets for each user in your database. These targets, once set, will display in a dashboard to show yo...

How to Create a Recruiter Dashboard

This lession explains how to create a recruiter dashboard. ...

How to Create a Sales Dashboard

Please watch the below video on how to create a Sales Dashboard: Sales Widgets Explained: Conversion % YTD Conversion % YTD is built off of job data. It sums the Estimated Job Value and the coun...

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