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Working with Groups

This lesson explains the Groups within the Card View of a Shortlist. Please note setting the default group will be on a job level, not a user level. This will update the default shortlist view o...

Using the Menu in the Shortlist - Filtering/List View/Map View

This lesson gives and overview of the Shortlist and the options within it, such as Filters, list view and Map View. ...

Adding Candidates to the Shortlist Using the Quick Add and New Candidate Option

This lesson explains how to add Candidates to the Shortlist Using the Quick Add and New Candidate Option. ...

Bulk assigning a Candidate to Multiple Jobs

This lesson shows you how to Assign a Candidate to Multiple Jobs. ...

Bulk Assigning Multiple Candidates to a Job

This lesson explains how to bulk assign multiple candidates to a job record. ...

Sending Resumes Internally for Review

This lesson explains how to send Bulk Resumes for an Internal Submittal Using Card View. Enter into the Job you would like to work in and click the “Shortlist” menu tab on the left side...

Sending Resumes to the Client - Single and Bulk

This lesson details how you send Resumes/CV's individually and in Bulk to the Client. To send a single Resume/CV to a Client, enter into the Job you wish to view your Shortlist of Candidates for...

Manual Resume Send - Single and Bulk

This video lesson details how to manually mark resumes/CV's as 'sent' for internal submittal; as well as externally, if a client prefers to receive them in an alternative way to emailing from Tracke...

What is a Shortlist

This lesson explains what a Shortlist is and how it is used within TrackerRMS. A Shortlist is a list of identified candidates in your applicant pool who best meet the desired and required crite...

Quick Add Candidates to the Shortlist

Quick Add Candidates to the Shortlist When using the Quick Add candidate option in the shortlist of a job, you can view more detailed descriptions of the candidate you’re looking to add. 1. ...

Flagged Working Candidates

When a Candidate is placed or put on assignment as Working, the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date fields in the Candidates record will be updated with the Start and End Dates of the Placemen...

Add Candidates to a Sendlist

To bulk add candidates to a Sendlist, follow the below steps: Click into a Job > Open the Shortlist Select the candidates you would like to add to a sendlist by clicking on their picture icon Sel...

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