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Resume Search

Resume Search 1. Click Into an Open Job Once you're in the job you would like to search candidates for, click into the Longlist to begin the resume search 2. Resume Search Here you have the opti...

Candidate Search / Advanced Search

Candidate Search / Advanced Search 1. Click Into an Open Job Find the tab where your Longlist is located Since TrackerRMS is completely customizable, this may not be labeled or located in the sam...

Understanding Rank

Understanding Rank 1. Click Into an Open Job From here you will want to find your longlist tab, put in your search results and hit Fetch Longlist You will then see a list of potential candidates ...

Color Coding / Filtering

Color Coding / Filtering 1. Color Coding Candidates You can color code candidats based on your vetting process Green for a candidate you would like to move forward with ...

Map View

Map View 1. Open the Longlist Once in your long list search section, you can view where candidates are location wise to the job you are trying to fill Click on the Map icon i...


Columns 1. Click Into the Longlist Tab Locate your Longlist search tab in a job record Here you can view your search results, and add/remove columns depending on the information yo...

Single Action Menu

Single Action Menu 1. Click Into the Longlist/Search Tab Locate your Longlist/Search tab In your search results you will be able to add a column labeled Action From here, you have the option ...

Bulk Action Menu

Bulk Action Menu Last Updated: June 12, 2020 1. Click Into the Longlist Tab Locate your longlist tab within the job record Select a few candidates you would like to create a bulk action...

Semantics in Long List Boolean Search

We now provide a comprehensive set of semantics jobs and synonyms within the Long List Boolean Search allowing our clients to build better and more consistent searches. Semantics as you Type Wi...

Searching Skill Dates in the Longlist

Searching Skill Dates in the Longlist 1. Click into the Advanced Search section of your longlist: 2. In the “1st Skill” field, select one of the skill dates you’ve added to Track...

Long List Search Audit History

How to view a Long List search in the Job record Audit Viewer: In addition to key changes to records appearing in the Audit Viewer, Long List searches are now also stored allowing historical sea...

Clearing a Longlist

Click into Tools & Settings: Select Users > User Groups Scroll down to User Group Privileges Here, you can choose whether a user group can have access to clearing a longlist's search results ...

Longlist Search Using Boolean AI

Within a job record you can build a resume search for specific candidates by clicking into the Longlist. With the Resume Search side you can: Perform an advanced boolean search using strings of ke...

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